Technology and IPR


As an innovative and flexible company we are constantly adding to our portfolio of technologies and key intellectual property that underpins both our products and services and those of our customers

Our innovative approach is based on a set of key principles to make it easy to adopt, integrate and benefit from our expertise

Flexible Engagement

We make it straightforward for our clients to benefit from our technologies through a range of engagement models. We have delivered offsite managed services, onsite managed development projects and object code license agreements.

Scenario Analytics

Fast and secure technology to uncover the unknown-knowns in your data.

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Primary Key Illuminate

Predictive social media analytics to tell you not only what you need to know, but also what you are going to need to know.

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Primary Key Distil

A fraud detection toolkit we deploy on client sites, which also identifies the fraud-vulnerable practices in your business.

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High Performance Analytics

It is an unfortunate property of the real world that the most useful questions to address are often the hardest, and so it is with data analytics. For these questions there is really no avoiding the ‘all-against-all’ query and this demands High Performance Analytics that will continue to function efficiently with growing data volumes.

We have developed Heuristics to overcome the tipping point when big data analytics will no longer be economic for many interesting questions.

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Scenario Forensics

Organisations that conduct digital forensic investigations can attempt to find
commonality between historical cases and new investigations but often struggle with a
combination of factors that impede their progress and reduce their chances of success.

A specific implementation of our scenario analytics technology allows highly efficient analysis of multiple digital forensic cases to find new insights from within the data.

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